3 Ways To Make Your Exterminator's Job Easier

16 December 2014
 Categories: Business, Blog


After making an appointment with an exterminator, you might wonder how you should prepare for the visit. Here are three ways that you might be able to make your exterminator's job easier, and how it might make your treatment more effective.

1: Clean Up Your Yard

It might not seem like a big deal to forget about mowing the lawn or trimming that ivy, but a little messy landscaping could affect the quality of your pest control treatment. Having tall grasses or huge shrubs around your house can make it harder for your professional to spray, which can be frustrating.

Unfortunately, unless your pest control expert has the chance to spray directly against your house and foundation, that chemical barrier might not be as effective. When things are in the way, voids in the barrier can give those pests a safe way to enter your home.

To avoid frustrating your exterminator and dealing with recurring issues, take the time to clean up your landscaping. Trim large bushes, pull away vines, and clean up large groundcover plants that could be giving bugs an easy place to hide.

2: Keep Your Kids Occupied

Kids are naturally curious, which is great if you are at your local museum or playground. When your exterminator comes to the door, your kids might jump at the opportunity to hang out with a new person and check out neat gadgets.

Unfortunately, when exterminators have to worry about tripping over kids and explaining every aspect of their job, they might not be able to focus on the task at hand. Also, if your children turn any knobs on pump sprayers or move around those recently laid glue traps, the efficacy of your treatment could be adversely affected.

To make your exterminator's job a lot easier, try to keep your kids occupied during the visit. By turning on a movie or taking them to the park, your professional can do their job without worrying about entertaining your kids.  

3: Follow Professional Advice

After your exterminator has finished spraying your home, he or she will most likely leave you with a bit of advice. For example, if you have a spider problem, your pest control expert might recommend keeping the clutter to a minimum, or taking care of that woodpile out back.

Unfortunately, if you decide to ignore this advice, you might end up with the same pest problem later and then blame the issue on your exterminator. To avoid future issues, listen carefully to any advice that your professional gives you, and write it down so that you remember it later.

By getting your place ready and being a little more self-aware, you might be able to make your exterminator's job easier.